Search Results
C-Section & Obesity: Are Vaginal Microbes Needed for Normal Metabolic Development?
Microbes from Mom: Vaginal Birth vs. C-Section
NNIW88 - Dysbiosis in the Neonatal Period: Role of C-Section - Josef Neu
Consumer Reports breaks down c-sections vs vaginal births
The Early Microbiota In An Age of Disruptive Change | Maria Dominguez-Bello
Mother’s vaginal microbiome seeding may boost brain development of c-section babies | Prof Fontana
Developing a baby's microbiome
Microbiome and Obesity - Martin Blaser
Cesarean Section: Impact of Biofilm on Outcomes
Baby's First Bacteria: When Does the Microbiome Begin?
How Bacteria Rule Over Your Body – The Microbiome
The Microbiome & Health Outcomes